Cours IFI Master 1
2013 à promotion 17
Master 1

Enseignant: Jean-Daniel Zucker

Informations générales

Planning du cours: 8h30 à 11h45= 3h + 15 min de pause. Les cours de déroulent dans la salle 203.

TD/TP (cela va changer car je vais mettre à jour...

 TP du cours 1 et 2: Analyse de données avec R.

Références & Webliographie

  1. Kozak et al. Data Mining Techniques in High Content Screening: A Survey. J Comput Sci Syst Biol (2009) vol. 02 (04) pp. 219-239
  2. Xu et Wunsch. Survey of clustering algorithms. IEEE transactions on neural networks / a publication of the IEEE Neural Networks Council (2005) vol. 16 (3) pp. 645-78
  3. Cours de Data Mining
  4. DataMining with R
  5. The ACM Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery in Data and Data Mining provides information on basic KDD research, the adoption of standards for KDD terminology, evaluation, and methodology, and interdisciplinary education among KDD researchers, practitioners, and users.
  6. KDNuggets News is an e-newsletter on data mining and knowledge discovery.
  7. The Data Mining Institute promotes a broader awareness of data mining technology by explaining its benefits and applications.

Dernière modification le 8 mai 2013 par Jean-Daniel Zucker